Friday, May 29, 2009

Falcon Study

Over the last couple of weeks we have been watching various falcon cams and new babies hatching.  Jordann has been fascinated (not surprising since she is our animal lover) and will spend all day observing the falcons' behavior.

Here are some of the sites we have been looking at:

For more interesting facts about falcons, visit the San Jose Peregrines site.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another Semester of School Finished!

Well, at least for Mom school is finished for the semester.  I always enjoy finishing spring semesters because that means I get to take a break for the summer.  I'm not sure the girls view it the same way, though!  The time is here to really focus on the girls' schooling for the summer and work on some of the skills they are struggling with.  

For Whitney that means getting her to write more than one paragraph, which is similar to pulling teeth!  She was really thrilled (well...maybe not!) when I told her that she would be writing and illustrating a book this summer.  We may need to find some duct tape to help her hold her pencil for more than two minutes at a stretch...

Jordann is doing really well in most of her studies, but I'll also be working with her on the organization of her writing.  She loves to journal and create stories, but needs a little help in producing a finished piece of work.  She has such a creative imagination that I would not be surprised to see her work published one day!  

I always enjoy spending more time engaged in direct instruction with them and figuring out what our plan will be for school in the fall.  I think this year we will be looking to make some changes for their education and stir things up a bit!